Delta 9 THC Gummies Suggested Use Dosage Guide
What’s the Recommended Basic Dosage of THC? When people talk about a “basic dosages” of THC, remember that each person has a different experience when taking THC. Some need much stronger doses, others much less, and some may not be able to feel anything from edibles at all. Keep that in mind though, as you...
North Carolina Senator Brent Jackson Squeeze Bunts For Farmer & Citizen Team Victory!
America’s favorite past time is widely known to be baseball. The team game with nine players & nine innings where one team has to have more runs at the end of the ninth. If tied at the end of the ninth, the game goes extra inning until one team leads by one run. Baseball is...
HerbaReleaf Nominated by Global Health & Pharma 7th Annual Awards!
Recently HerbaReleaf was contacted by a reputable group named Global Health & Pharma. Global Health & Pharma host an annual Healthcare & Pharmaceutical awards that help shed light on leading companies, practitioners and initiatives in it’s sector. They take pride in being at the forefront of recognizing and rewarding leaders and pioneers in the industry....
Delta 9 THC + Full Spectrum CBD Cannabis Hemp Gummies & Edibles Dosing Guide
Delta 9 THC + Full Spectrum CBD Cannabis Hemp Gummies & Edibles Dosing Guide Pretty sure you have heard of someone eating too many edibles and had an undesirable experience. With edibles you need to dose them per your personal endocannabinoid system. Just because they are tasty little snack treats does not mean that more...
Delta 9 THC CBD Full Spectrum Hemp Gummies was started out of compassion for those who presently struggle with life, whether it’s disease, pain, emotions, sleep etc. etc. At one point in all of our lives we will all face a struggle or two or more over the span of our life. At The Cannabis Hemp plant is available for those...
Cannabis Can Prevent COVID-19 With Dr. Richard van Breemen did a sit down Q&A with the doctor that discovered Cannabis can prevent COVID-19. “Cannabis derived gummies can be an important public health intervention”, said Dr. Richard van Breemen. Essentially, the body’s cells come in contact with and are infected by the virus. Molecules in Cannabis bind to the surface of the spike protein...
Cannabis Compounds Covid Prevention Possible?
What promising news for science, humanity and Cannabis! The human Endocannabinoid System and the Cannabis plant proven effective by research and science! What wonderful work! Another tip of the hat from HerbaReleaf to all of those involved in this news! “Compounds in cannabis can prevent infection from the virus that causes Covid-19 by blocking its...
Delta 9 THC And Delta 8 THC From Hemp
Researchers, scientists and chemist have discovered more about the Hemp Cannabis plant since the law has opened up and allowed them. The more they learn about the plant’s compounds and people experience the plant’s benefits the evidence is increasingly obvious and very popular. THC is one of the most popular cannabinoids in the Hemp Cannabis...
Delta 9 THC Gummies With Full Spectrum CBD Cannabinoids
Gummies are a great way to experience the benefits of the Cannabaceae plant family. Hemp is a member of the Cannabaceae family. Well known in the family is the cannabinoid CBD. Others in the cannabinoid realm are CBG, CBN, CBC, CBDA, THCV, THCA and others. There are over 100 of these and other cannabinoids in...
Making Edibles With Delta 8 THC Distillate
What a wonderful natural cannabinoid Delta 8 Tetrahydrocannabinol is. Otherwise known as Delta 8 THC! Extracted from the Hemp plant, Delta 8 THC comes in the form of distillate. This distillate is typically vaped in vape cartridges however one of the best ways to use the Delta 8 THC distillate is to infuse it into...