What’s the Recommended Basic Dosage of THC?
When people talk about a “basic dosages” of THC, remember that each person has a different experience when taking THC. Some need much stronger doses, others much less, and some may not be able to feel anything from edibles at all. Keep that in mind though, as you begin to dial in your ideal dose of THC and CBD. When trying HerbaReleaf’s Delta 9 THC + Full Spectrum CBD please remember to start with only one (or 1/2 or 1/4) and wait up to 4 hours before taking another full gummy.
With that being said, there are professional recommendations of basic dosages. One study suggested to start patients with 2.5mg of THC. Then increase that dosage by 2.5mg as needed but shouldn’t exceed 40mg a day. This was part of a formal treatment plan that included other cannabinoids, like CBD.
Generally, a single dose that has 5mg to 10mg of THC is usually considered as a “standard” dose. New beginners can usually start with about 5mg without running a risk of getting uncomfortably high, but there’s enough THC in 5mg that most new users will feel some kind of head change. If you’re concerned about getting too “high”, then start with 2.5mg of THC. Starting smaller and adding additional MG’s is known as THC microdosing. Some prefer to use microdosing methods as opposed to a single taking of higher MG’s.
Also remember the “Entourage Effect” when using HerbaReleaf.com Delta 9 THC plus Full Spectrum CBD. Full Spectrum CBD contains all of the cannabinoids from the Hemp plant. This includes the legal amount (<.3% Delta 9 THC) along with the Full Spectrum of Cannabinoids. With 10mgs of Delta 9 THC (from hemp) plus 40mgs of Full Spectrum CBD, the entourage effect will certainly be experienced by the user. The entourage effect is a phrase used to explain how the users endocannabinoid system reacts to the Full Spectrum of Cannabinoids being taken.